Audio Analogue Maestro 2.0 Expand

Audio Analogue Maestro 2.0

Audio Analogue Audio Analogue


Nya Maestro.

2x200 watt.

"klickande" volymkontroll.

En kontroll, pondus och nerv värdigt en förstärkare i denna prisklass.

Dessutom en vettig storlek man faktiskt kan få in i ett rack (förra Maesto var djup!).

Finns för demo i butik.

Mer detaljer

209 000 kr


The Maestro 2.0 integrated amplifier is the latest addition to the
Anniversary line. Derived from the Maestro Anniversary, it is its
natural evolution and exaltation at the highest levels. Developed by
the Airtech team, the Maestro 2.0 is a perfect combination of
musicality and almost unlimited power.

As in the Maestro Anniversary, all stages of the new Maestro 2.0 are
without global feedback. The output power has been increased to
200W over 8Ω with the consequent scaling of all driver and end
stages, which now use four pairs of transistors per channel. The
basic configuration remains that of the reverse-case code which is
comparable to a single gain stage followed by the output buffer.

Compact and elegant shapes, remarkable power that doubles as
impedance decreases, extraordinary driving skills combined with a
unique musicality and refinement: all of these features make the
Maestro 2.0 a practically perfect integrated amplifier.

Technical Description

The Maestro 2.0 is an integrated amplifier with fully balanced circuitry and zero global feedback. The configuration is completely dual-mono starting from two 670W toroidal transformers. Each stage of the amplifier has a dedicated board for a total of six different boards connected with 7N OCC copper conductors, the same used to produce the high-quality Airtech cables. Special attention has been given to the RR volume control, as this solution allows the user to achieve the reliability and balance of a digital control and to manage four different selectable volume scales. At the same time, signal processing is completely analog thanks to the use of high precision relays and resistors. All the components are meticulously selected and of the highest quality: resistors to military standards, audiograde capacitors and further oversized components specifically chosen to guarantee maximum level performances and reliability.

The Maestro 2.0 is available in silver and satin black finishes and is equipped with a remote control made from solid aluminium.

Technical Specifications
Channels 2
Input impedance 47 kΩ
Max input signal 6Vrms
Output power
at 8Ω One channel operating
200W @ 1% THD + N
Output power at 4Ω
One channel operating
400W @ 1% THD + N
Output power at 2Ω
One channel operating
600W @ 1% THD + N
Sensibility Nominal output power at 8Ω 720mVRMS
Frequency response Attenuation 0dB, Bandwidth -3dB 90KHz
Output resistance Nominal output power at 2Ω/1kHz 0.2Ω
Noise level Bandwidth limit 0Hz-80kHz ≈20µV
Noise level A weighted ≈10µV
SNR Attenuation 0dB/ Nominal output power at 8Ω/ A weighted ≈100 dB
Stand-by power consumption 230VAC <1W
HxWxD 205x450x465mm

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